Bulk Pricing at $10 per seat and scholarships available.

Why Choose Entrepreneurship 101

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do students gain access to the course?

A (for individual purchases): After payment, you will receive an email with a link to the course. The student will be prompted to enter their name, email address, and create a password. 

A (for bulk purchases): After payment, you'll receive an email from a VentureLab team member within one business day. In that email, you'll receive a coupon code that will allow your students to register individually in Teachable using their emails. This will give each student their own login.

Q: How long does the course take to complete?

A: It varies anywhere from 2 to 10 weeks. However, it is divided into 10 sections and can be scheduled to complete in 8-10 weeks while students work in other content or program areas.

Q: What's the difference between the elementary and middle school courses?

A: Each course features differentiated introductions, quizzes, and “Show What You Know” tasks at the end of each section. Both courses utilize the same entrepreneurial path and video. The middle school course features two new activities and videos to bring greater depth to the experience for older students!

Q: I see quiz questions in the course. Can I get an overall course grade from those? 

A: No. The quiz questions serve to reinforce concepts within the activity but do not offer an overall course grade.

Q: How can I get grades from this course?

A: Each activity is an opportunity for a formative grade. Ex: Students can turn in their responses to the Interest Inventory activity and/or their Journal Entries. 

Each section has Section Goals with different ways for youth to Show What You Know. These are also an opportunity for a formative or summative grade. 

Upon completion of the course, the Activity Guide or the student's idea journal can be a summative grade.